Professor Brendan Kennedy
Research Profile
The focus of Brendan’s research is optical communications systems and biomedical optics, developing new imaging techniques for clinical and biological applications. He is working on techniques to measure the elastic properties of tissue, the investigation of speckle phenomena related to optical coherence tomography and the development of optical coherence tomography system technology.

A key focus area is the development of optical elastography, a technique that forms images of tissue mechanical properties (elasticity) at micro-scale resolution for use in such activities as tumour margin assessment in breast-conserving surgery, biomaterials characterisation, tumour biology and vascular biology.
These interests led to a focus on developing wearable biomedical optics devices, intraoperative surgical techniques, optical elastography and the measurement of tissue and cell mechanics. A current project involves developing new technology to help surgeons remove all traces of breast cancer.
Brendan’s other research interests include developing small footprint imaging and sensing for healthcare solutions in remote areas and for wearable devices.
He is also actively engaged in the development of convergent approaches to research.